Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011

About me

My name is Hidayati. I was born on 27 september 1989 in Bukittinggi, west Sumatra. I’m the fifth child  in my family. I have  five sisters and one brother. My father is a seller, his name is masrizal. And my mothers name is nurmilawati, she is a household. They are very kind to me and always give me motivation for every good activities. we always face our live by spirit and happy.  
After completing my elementary school in 2001, I went to study at a modernist Islamic high school, Sumatra thawalib parabek, a school founded by the moderate muslim modernist, syeikh Ibrahim Musa (famously called inyiak parabek) wich grew out of serious attempts at spreading the cause of Islamic modernist among minangkabau people.
In 2004 I continued my study to Islamic Teacher Training Collage
 ( ITTC )  Darussalam gontor for girls 1 at mantingan ngawi, east java, Indonesia. And I finished my study there  after three years at 2007.
Before  going to university, I do my devotion at adlaniyah, an Islamic school that located in ujung gading,west Pasaman. The serve or devotion must be doing by student who finished his study at Gontor. It’s one of requirement  for getting sttb or diploma.
 I was there for a year as a teacher and a adviser of dormitory.  I teached class 1 and 2 of junior high school and class 1 up to class 3 of senior high school for many kinds of lessons such as mahfuzhot, Arabic language, English, aqidah islam, muthala’ah, sport education, etc. In 2008 I finished my devotion and I continue my study to Islamic Institute IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang and SPS UIN Jakarta. Now I'm a lecturer at STIQ Ar-Rahman Bogor and the director of Hidayah Qur'anic Center Bekasi. 


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